Friday, January 8, 2010

This is so Weird!

Okay, this is my first blog & my first post and it's a bit odd for me. I'm creating this because the children and I will be moving after our oldest graduates and my husband will be 600 miles away for a while. So mainly this will be for him to keep up with what's going on in the schooling of our children.
I'm not very open or outgoing by nature so this is completely out of my comfort zone. So if anyone other than my dear hubby decides to follow this please bear with me as God ministers to and grows me. Between now and June I'll probably only post once a week but should anything very exciting happen I'm sure that I'll want to share. Hey, maybe this will help me get better at taking pictures (I'm forever forgetting my camera). I'm not exactly tech savvy; I just got an iPhone and still haven't a clue on how to work the thing.
Oh, well! 'Til next time!


1 comment:

  1. Very interesting and cool stuff! Good creativity with the little ones. I am impressed.
