Friday, March 12, 2010

S Week

I missed last week because 5 out of 6 of us were sick. Thankfully nothing more than a head cold but enough sinus pain and pressure to keep us from school 3 of the 5 days.
This week was S week with my littlest. I don't have a lot of pictures because it was high drama at my house with my 17 year old daughter getting engaged (though not unexpected still a disappointment). Thankfully we serve a great God and she is in His hands and He will take care of it all. She will never be away from His sight. The situation is being bathed in prayer. (Thank you to all who are praying.)
Anyway, back to the letter Ss. Kitten worked a sailboat and snail maze, put s word stickers on her S page, worked on recognizing the number 13, and practicing her blend ladders ( She also practiced matching her ABC's in a Springtime file folder game ( We baked chocolate chip cookies today just for fun and tomorrow she'll help me make pizza's. She loves to help cook, wash dishes, and clean. She's my big helper and a cookie thief.

Kitten dotting 13 apples

Since the weather was so nice earlier this week (Mon - Wed) I let Moo-Man just do the 3 R's and the rest of the time outside playing basketball, jumping on the trampoline, collecting rocks, and playing animals with Kitten. Thur. & Fri. it rained but it was warm so he still played out in the rain. He had a blast! Hopefully next week we'll get back to the plan but I'm thankful that homeschooling is so flexible when necessary. I did run out of printer ink so as long as they arrive by tomorrow and I get everything printed off that I need for the week then we'll be okay. But if not, well hey, we'll still be okay! Yah, homeschooling, Yah God!

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